AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a year-long elective class that enhances students’ academic skills and prepares them for success after high school. AVID has five core strategies that are practiced throughout the year: Writing, Inquire, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading. These skills are accomplished through a variety of methods, such as personal goal setting, college and career research projects, regular study groups, binder, backpack, and planner checks, and close reading texts from their core classes.
AVID students participate in specific AVID activities such as exploring college pathways, discovering career paths, listening to guest speakers, and other extracurricular and community activities. AVID students are required to completed 5 community service hours per quarter. AVID Students also have the opportunity to participate in Tutorials (study halls) twice a week with the support of college-aged tutors. For 9th graders the AVID Elective fulfills the “G” of A-G coursework for CSU and UC college admissions.
This is an application-based course with mandatory interviews before entering the elective. Applying does not guarantee admittance to the class. An AVID student has mostly B’s or C’s, good behavior in classes, and has a desire to succeed in school.
If some of the following are true for you, AVID may be the right elective for you:
I feel I could take more advanced classes with some support.
I would be one of the first in my family to attend college.
I really want to earn A’s in my classes.
I am motivated to improve my school skills.
I am eager to take more ownership of my education.
I am willing to be open-minded, work with other students and tutors, and commit to making positive changes to the way I approach school.
For more information, please contact the AVID Coordinator for Emerson, Kristen Tannyhill [email protected]